Sunday 1 September 2013

The Last Of Us Update 1.03: Interrogation Mode Strategies, New MAPS, Clicker mode, and more! (Play as the INFECTED and NEW FACTIONS)

The Last Of Us version 1.03 has come out just three days ago, and has brought with it some general tweaks, and some new features that'll change the awesome online gaming experience for the better.

First off, Naughty Dog has added a new form of game-play  Have you wanted to interrogate another person up close and personal for vital game-play that might just decide your survival, then this new game mode is clear cut for you.A sort-of Capture The Flag, called "Interrogation Mode", you have the option to interrogate downed enemies in the same old 4-on-4 limited time fashion to locate their "Storage Bin", in order to win. But be warned, if caught off guard while interrogating an enemy, you might just end up being punched in the face for the location of your box. Your team has to get 5 interrogations to locate their lock box, and then, decipher it's location, (giving the opposition time to set up their defenses) You can interrogate people by downing enemies or getting shiv kills.

To go more into the details of Interrogation Mode, you start off like you do in Survivors or Supply Raid, but what you do next is the polar opposite. You don't sprint to the nearest supply box in the first second, or stray into the shadows to snipe someone. You have an option to stick back and guard your storage bin, leaving proximity mines every-freaking-where to make at least one guy rage quit, or go on the partial offensive, taking out people venturing too close to your box or downing them for Intel to get to their box. Strategy here is basically how you did the dick-but-effective move of leaving mines around a supply box. 

When on the offensive, be careful for rogue bombs while also, once enemy bins have been spotted, and you venture to it, it might seem unguarded,but people are just hidden, ready with a molotov with your name on it and be warned, you don't just win by getting to the box. You have to OPEN it, which takes quite a long tense seconds. 

Now, remember when you were in a close quarter, fighting a couple enemies, and you downed one, but were on low health, and the enemy's ally was closing in on you, you could just go ahead and special execute that one you downed, while his ally shot at you with no effect? (Although you're SO dead when you're done executing..)

Or that other time when you were the one emptying barrels upon barrels of ammo on this guy locked in execute animation, who got on his knees and shot your buddy in the face without taking an ounce of damage?

Well, that is all going to change. You can now be interrupted from executing by an enemy player, or you can stop another guy from interrogating your teammate for vital information.

You can now also revive downed team mates from a little more comfort of your cover, as the revive range has been increased by a meter. Also, that one annoying guy who crawls away while you are reviving him has it that much more harder, as while being revived, your movement speed decreases.

Also, the novice who just got the game will have it a little easy, as in the lobby, you will only encounter players just around your level and skill stand point. Teams will also be more balanced now.

Supply boxes locations will change a little bit in all the maps, namely University, High School, Lakeside, and Downtown. Also, the items given out by these supple boxes have been evened out to be more fair and equal to both teams.

Camera angles have been tweaked.

Winning a survivors match with a 4 to 0 landslide victory means you will get more bonus parts. This boost in parts is also applicable to scores like 4-1 or 4-2 as well, meaning you WILL have a boost, only it's magnitude depends how epicly you owned the opposition. This bonus system is in effect even in Interrogation and Supply Raid modes.

The update is the first of the content promised to us by Naught Dog to have arrived in August. More DLC containing new maps and *maybe* weapons and perks and classes should come out anytime now, as only time will tell. 

Personally, I hope there will a be a new co-op mode like "Clicker defense  or "Horde infestation" with one team playing as humans and the other taking control of The Infected, with a couple of you playing as clickers and the others as runners. It will be interesting if the Clickers have only the listen view, forcing the players to rely on teamwork, with players playing as runners spotting humans for them. There could also be a new Faction called "Military" or something along those lines.

Also expect maps like "The Hospital'', "The Dam", "The Bridge" and "Quarantine Zone" to come out soon.

Until then, The Gamer Geek signs off.

More details here: